6320-40-7Relevant articles and documents
Page/Page column 15-16, (2010/02/15)
The present invention discloses a process for the preparation of highly pure Pentabromobenzyl bromide, PBB-Br, wherein the benzylic bromination reaction is carried out in a suitable organic solvent in the presence of water and wherein the reaction temperature is such that it is sufficient to activate the initiator but not high enough to consume a substantial amount thereof.
Efficient Catalysis of Hydrodediazoniations in Dimethylformamide
Wassmundt, Frederick W.,Kiesman, William F.
, p. 1713 - 1719 (2007/10/02)
For hydrodediazoniations (the replacement of a diazo group by hydrogen) in DMF, several substances act as catalysts through their ability to serve as electron donors and initiate free-radical reactions.A general procedure has been developed in which FeSO4 speeds the conversion and leads to higher yields.Trapping experiments demonstrated the presence of free-radical intermediates.N,N-Dimethylacetamide was found to rival DMF as a source of hydrogen atoms.
Deuteriodediazoniation: A general method for the replacement of a diazonium group by deuterium
, p. 281 - 288 (2007/10/02)
Aromatic amino groups are replaced with deuterium via a diazonium salt intermediate. Dimethylformamide-d7 is the deuterium donor in this mild replacement method that yields aromatic-d1 products in high isotopic purity. The presence of methyl groups lowers the isotopic purity of the products.