503555-50-8 Usage
4-Methyl-6-chloronicotinic acid, commonly known as clopyralid, is a selective herbicide that belongs to the pyridine family. It is characterized by its low toxicity in mammals and its ability to mimic plant hormones, causing abnormal growth patterns that ultimately lead to the death of the targeted plants. This chemical is particularly effective against broadleaf weeds, such as thistles and clovers, and is used in various applications to control these unwanted plants.
Used in Lawn and Turf Care:
4-Methyl-6-chloronicotinic acid is used as a selective herbicide for controlling broadleaf weeds in lawns and turf. It targets perennial weeds, ensuring a clean and well-maintained appearance.
Used in Field Margins:
In agricultural settings, 4-Methyl-6-chloronicotinic acid is used as a herbicide to manage broadleaf weeds in field margins. This helps to prevent the spread of these weeds into the main crop areas, thereby protecting the crops from competition and potential damage.
Used in Plant Hormone Mimicry:
4-Methyl-6-chloronicotinic acid is used as a plant hormone mimic, causing abnormal growth patterns in the targeted weeds. This leads to the plants' inability to grow properly and eventually results in their death, providing an effective method for weed control.
Used in Water Solubility:
The solubility of 4-Methyl-6-chloronicotinic acid in water allows for easy absorption by the plant's foliage and roots, enhancing the herbicide's effectiveness in controlling broadleaf weeds.
Used in Non-Target Plant Impact:
While 4-Methyl-6-chloronicotinic acid is effective in controlling broadleaf weeds, it can also have significant adverse effects on non-target plants. This is an important consideration when using this herbicide, as it may impact the overall health and appearance of the treated area.
Used in Compost Materials:
4-Methyl-6-chloronicotinic acid can persist in compost materials, which may lead to the transfer of its effects to other plants. This is another factor to consider when using this herbicide, as it may have unintended consequences on the composting process and the plants that are grown in the compost.
Check Digit Verification of cas no
The CAS Registry Mumber 503555-50-8 includes 9 digits separated into 3 groups by hyphens. The first part of the number,starting from the left, has 6 digits, 5,0,3,5,5 and 5 respectively; the second part has 2 digits, 5 and 0 respectively.
Calculate Digit Verification of CAS Registry Number 503555-50:
128 % 10 = 8
So 503555-50-8 is a valid CAS Registry Number.