26301-44-0 Usage
Poly (c,i), also known as poly (cytidylic-inosinic), is a random copolymer composed of inosine and cytidine bases. It is a nucleic acid analogue that has gained attention for its potential applications in various fields due to its unique properties and interactions with other molecules.
Used in Comparative Physicochemical Analysis:
Poly (c,i) is used as a comparative tool in physicochemical analysis for studying the differences and similarities between other random copolymers such as Poly(C,A), Poly(C,U), and Poly(C,G). This helps researchers understand the behavior and characteristics of these copolymers in various conditions and applications.
Used in Pharmaceutical Industry:
In the pharmaceutical industry, poly (c,i) is used as a potential therapeutic agent due to its interactions with other molecules and its unique properties. It can be further explored for its applications in drug development and targeted therapies.
Used in Biomedical Research:
Poly (c,i) is used as a research tool in biomedical research to study the interactions between nucleic acids and other biopolymers. This can lead to a better understanding of molecular mechanisms and the development of new therapeutic strategies.
Used in Material Science:
In material science, poly (c,i) can be utilized for the development of novel materials with specific properties, such as improved stability or enhanced interactions with other molecules. This can have applications in various industries, including electronics, energy, and environmental management.
Check Digit Verification of cas no
The CAS Registry Mumber 26301-44-0 includes 8 digits separated into 3 groups by hyphens. The first part of the number,starting from the left, has 5 digits, 2,6,3,0 and 1 respectively; the second part has 2 digits, 4 and 4 respectively.
Calculate Digit Verification of CAS Registry Number 26301-44:
80 % 10 = 0
So 26301-44-0 is a valid CAS Registry Number.