190841-64-6 Usage
Dithiol derivative with a biphenyl backbone and two thiol groups
Commonly used in organic synthesis and chemical research
Potential applications
a. Material science
b. Nanotechnology
c. Development of new sensor and electronic devices
Possible properties
a. Antioxidant
b. Anti-inflammatory
Research potential
Target for pharmaceutical research and drug development
Check Digit Verification of cas no
The CAS Registry Mumber 190841-64-6 includes 9 digits separated into 3 groups by hyphens. The first part of the number,starting from the left, has 6 digits, 1,9,0,8,4 and 1 respectively; the second part has 2 digits, 6 and 4 respectively.
Calculate Digit Verification of CAS Registry Number 190841-64:
146 % 10 = 6
So 190841-64-6 is a valid CAS Registry Number.
190841-64-6Relevant articles and documents
Synthesis of structurally modified atropisomeric biaryl dithiols. Observations on the Newman-Kwart rearrangement
Cossu, Sergio,De Lucchi, Ottorino,Fabbri, Davide,Valle, Giovanni,Painter, Gavin F.,Smith, Robin A.J.
, p. 6073 - 6084 (2007/10/03)
The preparation of a number of biaryldithiols from biaryldiols is discussed. A key reaction is the Newman-Kwart thermorearrangement of bisthiocarbamates and crucial variables of temperature and reaction time have been identified. Alternative approaches to 3,3'-disubstituted dithiols via ortho metallation are presented. The benefit of using such disubstituted compounds is illustrated with representative examples of the stereochemical features of the derived carbanions in reactions with prochiral electrophiles.